Whiuh, after two days of travelling I'm happy to be in South Africa with one of my best friends since high school. Aleksandra had told me to go early to the airport in Tel Aviv because of the security checks that may take some time, so I got there five hours before the flight (Shahar drove me to the train station early because of his work) which was too early, the check-in opened 2 hours later. But I was fine, writing my other blog and having coffee. I went to the queue to check in my backpack but wasn't the first one and it took at least half an hour if not more till my turn. It was maybe two hours till the flight at that time.
First problem: I didn't have tickets out of South Africa. Why? Because I had no idea yet where I would go next and when. So I needed to decide now or they wouldn't let me on the plane. Okay, where do I find a place to buy a ticket? They gave me directions to Ticketing. Went there and asked a couple of people behind the desks, they couldn't help me and told me to go somewhere else. Okay, tried to find a desk that would help me with this. Didn't. I asked a guy from Info and he was the first one really wanting to help and told me to go to another place, but I couldn't find it. I was getting a bit anxious and went back to the check-in. There I figured I'll just go online and get tickets to Goa for Christmas, a place I knew I'll be more than welcome. It was an option anyway before Australia 'cause I took all my rupees from the last visit in India with me (not sure though will the money be valid anymore when I get there, heard that the currency is changing).
Second problem: Now that I'd bought tickets out of SA (15.45, 1,5 hours before the flight), I needed to wait for the e-ticket before I could check in my luggage. The guy behind the desk said that he'll close the check-in 16.15. I refreshed my e-mail each minute but didn't receive anything but the confirmation (which wasn't good enough). I got a little bit more nervous and after four they said I needed to security check my luggage before the check-in. So they took me to a woman who asked me questions like why was I here, where did I stay, what did I do, what were their names etc, then she asked a man over and he continued asking questions, same ones and new ones, where am I going after, what will I do there, who am I meeting there, what do they study and where and if anyone gave me a present.. And he asked another man over to continue with the questions. I told them that the check-in counter closes at 16.15 but they said yeah we know and went further to discuss and I waited. 16.30 they put stickers on my backpack, checked it in and let me continue to the security check for hand luggage.
Third problem: Now I don't know if I looked like a criminal or someone that someone else would have taken advantage of giving maybe drugs or something, but they searched everything in my hand luggage, with a stick that touched everything, they opened my card decks, pencil cases, notebooks, I had to take my sweater off and they scanned me three times, I showed my navel jewel and my bikini top had a zipper so I needed to take that off as well. They scanned many times all my stuff they took out of my hand luggage. I told them I'm starting to panic a bit now hehe, but they said that don't worry the plane is waiting for me. Thanks for the info and I relaxed. 15 minutes before the take off me and my stuff were ready to fly and I got escorted to the gate. I told the guy who escorted me that this was not my fault, I got here at 12. Apparently it doesn't matter how early you get to the airport, anything can happen haha.
My beautiful Finnish friend Tuuli was waiting for me at the airport and it was so good to see her !!! It's always weird to speak Finnish after a while (for her I mean) but there's so much to talk about! Luckily we have about a month to talk! And I can't wait to see her life here. The place she's been living in since July is a big house with 4 roommates (1 German, 1 Namibian, 2 South Africans). There used to live 7 people but 2 of them (Germans) already left. I already met almost all of them. Yesterday we saw a Swedish girl from next door and tonight there will be a farewell party in their house. Cool. Excited ;P
Now I put my clothes to dry and we head out to get some lunch, then the grocery store and slippers for me. Ciaooooo! X