so beautiful. the way south from the harbour in the northern part of lombok. started in the mountains and the views were breathtaking. on the road there were monkeys and the driver was a bit too aggressive at them, with his face and honking. i shared a car with a couple from denmark who were on a two month trip around the islands of indonesia. i couldn't not film the views while chatting with them, tho from the car it was nothing compared to reality. after the mountains came villages and towns and the car stopped. we were about to change cars because this one was not approved to transfer customers. we joined another van which already had a group of seven young spanish and their speakers in it, all of us going to kuta.
i got to honey bee home stay and there she was, natali! she had already lived there over a month and got stuck in love with the place and the lifestyle: surfing and chilling with locals and some westerners too.
on the first day (sunday) she showed me around on a scooter, then it started raining and we went to bed early. at night i got sick and the next two days i had a fever over 38 that i usually dont have. couldnt do much cause all my muscles ached and on tuesday she took me to the medical center which was a tiny pretty place and they gave me liquids and medicine in my veins (haha). next to me was a 52 yo guy from sydney and we had a chat about well many things. hus daughter studied social work as well and is now travelling the world, she worked in an orphanage in india and his wife is a mix of four cultures (or how u say it) for example aboriginal and maori. he had travelled in so many places im about to later thus year so it was a really good chat. then he left. i wished i would've asked his digits. universe heard my wish and he came back after 5 minutes so i said i'd love to meet your daughter when im in australia and he gave his number and said im most welcome to stay with them when im in sydney.
i spent the night in a bedroom there. couldnt sleep much but i had my music as a good company. also i felt like singing so i guess i was getting better already. i had to move my body as well, wjerever it ached i used it, stretching or i dunno other movements. what i've learned in life is wherever your hurting it needs either touching or using. one himself is the only one who really can fix them. im a great self-massauce by the way. also stretching is highly disrespected imo. it's soooooo important for the body.
okay so i got out and we went straight to krupuk (kerupuk?) where natali goes surfing and chilling with her local buddies. the way there was B E A U T I F U L oh my god i died in the hospital and went to heaven. actually, this planet of ours IS heaven, some people just dont gettit and they keep ruining it with all the bullshit that is happening in the world. thank god there are more and more people everyday waking up to make a difference by choosing a better lifestyle to live with respect for mother earth.
some went surfing doctor said no to me so i stayed on the boat and took a swim. didnt remember how much i love to swim. not only swimming more like swimgym or swimyoga. it was perfect. after two hours it was raining so hard we were hugging each other to stay warm on the boat. we chilled a bit at sea monkeys and ate there cause of the rain and while the locals went for a wedding party we got home. later they joined us for a chill at ours. that night i slept like a baby. for the first time here.
the next day i got flu. funny how my body talks to me like that, chill the fuck out woman. so i listened and took it very easy. we did some yoga at our homestay, i had four students, was fun. then i felt like writing and natali went to krupuk by herself after seeing the sunset from a small hill. she spent the night there. friday was our last half a day in lombok. we went to krupuk to surf (me swim) again and i got some colour on my skin, yeii. wont be white as snow when i go back. the feeling on the boat got stuck in my body and i felt it the whole evening and even the next day as well.
even tho i was sick, lomvok took a piece of my heart and i was already planning to come back on christmas or next spring the latest. i want to learn to surf here. im gonna miss the views, fell in love with em.
a bit of kuta bali next time, now i really need to take a swim before my last adventure back to finland! see yous xxx
i got to honey bee home stay and there she was, natali! she had already lived there over a month and got stuck in love with the place and the lifestyle: surfing and chilling with locals and some westerners too.
on the first day (sunday) she showed me around on a scooter, then it started raining and we went to bed early. at night i got sick and the next two days i had a fever over 38 that i usually dont have. couldnt do much cause all my muscles ached and on tuesday she took me to the medical center which was a tiny pretty place and they gave me liquids and medicine in my veins (haha). next to me was a 52 yo guy from sydney and we had a chat about well many things. hus daughter studied social work as well and is now travelling the world, she worked in an orphanage in india and his wife is a mix of four cultures (or how u say it) for example aboriginal and maori. he had travelled in so many places im about to later thus year so it was a really good chat. then he left. i wished i would've asked his digits. universe heard my wish and he came back after 5 minutes so i said i'd love to meet your daughter when im in australia and he gave his number and said im most welcome to stay with them when im in sydney.
i spent the night in a bedroom there. couldnt sleep much but i had my music as a good company. also i felt like singing so i guess i was getting better already. i had to move my body as well, wjerever it ached i used it, stretching or i dunno other movements. what i've learned in life is wherever your hurting it needs either touching or using. one himself is the only one who really can fix them. im a great self-massauce by the way. also stretching is highly disrespected imo. it's soooooo important for the body.
okay so i got out and we went straight to krupuk (kerupuk?) where natali goes surfing and chilling with her local buddies. the way there was B E A U T I F U L oh my god i died in the hospital and went to heaven. actually, this planet of ours IS heaven, some people just dont gettit and they keep ruining it with all the bullshit that is happening in the world. thank god there are more and more people everyday waking up to make a difference by choosing a better lifestyle to live with respect for mother earth.
some went surfing doctor said no to me so i stayed on the boat and took a swim. didnt remember how much i love to swim. not only swimming more like swimgym or swimyoga. it was perfect. after two hours it was raining so hard we were hugging each other to stay warm on the boat. we chilled a bit at sea monkeys and ate there cause of the rain and while the locals went for a wedding party we got home. later they joined us for a chill at ours. that night i slept like a baby. for the first time here.
the next day i got flu. funny how my body talks to me like that, chill the fuck out woman. so i listened and took it very easy. we did some yoga at our homestay, i had four students, was fun. then i felt like writing and natali went to krupuk by herself after seeing the sunset from a small hill. she spent the night there. friday was our last half a day in lombok. we went to krupuk to surf (me swim) again and i got some colour on my skin, yeii. wont be white as snow when i go back. the feeling on the boat got stuck in my body and i felt it the whole evening and even the next day as well.
even tho i was sick, lomvok took a piece of my heart and i was already planning to come back on christmas or next spring the latest. i want to learn to surf here. im gonna miss the views, fell in love with em.
a bit of kuta bali next time, now i really need to take a swim before my last adventure back to finland! see yous xxx